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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Time for a spring clean?

It is surprising how often you browse around the web and find tired old content from brands who would normally kill (or at least spend a great many £££s) not to be thought of as 'staid'.
It seems like all too often, digital initiatives get kicked off but then not followed through - and the remnants forgotten - and therefore left for all to see, months later.
Because consumers expect digital channels to be dynamic, this can do damage to your image. Similarly, forums without any comments doesn't really give the right impression if you'd like to be viewed as a brand consumers engage with.
So, as spring now seems to finally be approaching - time for a little digital clean-out, to make sure it all works and serves you well? And don't forget to check your mobile activities, as well - the topic of our latest column in New Media Age.


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