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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The world beyond the New iPad... co-created this Friday at Thinktank

As you probably know, 16th March will see the launch of the new iPad. Orders have been placed. Many in the UK will get their new shiny friend delivered to their homes - but there will be some who’ll prefer queuing outside Apple stores... on a cold March morning.

Inspired Tankies could not miss this opportunity to observe such extreme consumer behaviour. The plan is to join these people bright and early for a bit of ethnographic work and serious of face-to-face interviews - to see who they are and what their motivation is.

We will then invite some of those people to join us for a co-creation session at Thinktank’s W1 offices. The plan is to have an engaging and creative discussion about the future of personal devices - how iPad people see the world... beyond the New iPad. So if you would like to:

• know more about iPad People and their motivations
• find out their views on the future of personal devices
• share your views in a co-creative session
• or simply kick start Friday in a company of marketing professionals and new iPad owners...

Just let us know! The number of places is limited, so please be in touch asap. Email us at konstantin@thinktank.uk.com

Digitally yours,

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